We Lead With Heart

A virtual deck of 24 inspiring cards to guide your leadership as a woman – we lead with heart speaks to a way of being in relationship with others each day, in each meeting, assignment, project, and as everyday practice.

The more we focus our thoughts, words and actions on these ways of leading, the more the authentic self emerges from the heart, to guide our interactions with others to make beneficial things happen both in the process and in the outcomes.

How to use the cards

Focus your mind in a peaceful, receptive state and draw one card each morning. You’ll be provided with affirmation and guidance for the whole day.

In times of change or decision making, focus your mind on the concern (clear out other thoughts) and choose a card. You will get insight and energy to address the issue.

Use the cards in generous ways — share this link on social media, or print a set and pass them out in your teams and in meetings. Observe any effect they have on people’s behaviour. It’s a great way to engage in conversation with young women friends and family and to help us all think and behave in ways that support each other as leaders.

Print Cards

As a leader with women, you are honest with yourself and real with the people you encounter.

As a leader with women, you have learned of your own self-knowledge and sense of purpose in this world.

As a leader with women, your actions are informed by your self-awareness and sense of purpose.

As a leader with women, you know that authenticity is central to how you show up in the world – you are who you want to be!

As a leader with women, you make your ‘spark’ grow brighter by identifying your own unique ‘sense of agency,’ your assignment in this world.

As a leader with women, you realize what you have to offer the world and you light up each time you offer YOU for the betterment of humanity.

As a leader with women, you are a beacon to attract, strengthen, and inspire others along the way.

As a leader with women, you have found your power and authority inside to face situations of adversity.

As a leader with women, you have tapped into your heart, soul, and convictions and know what you must do for women everywhere.

As a leader with women, you have been ignited to act, strengthened by a knowing that comes from deep inside.

As a leader with women, you give yourself permission to innovate and inspire others to be resolute and fearless.

As a leader with women, you look within first to find the strength, courage and guidance you seek.

As a leader with women, you first offer connection and sustenance from within and collaborate with others to combine resources to get the job done.

As a leader with women, you know that at the heart of leadership is what we do to form, strengthen and cultivate relationships to advance a vision.

As a leader with women, you know that relatedness and connection offer a healing medicine to the world at this time.

As a leader with women, you have reawakened your awareness of the invisible world of energy, intention and intuition that exists among ancient peoples, the land, plants, animals and cultures.

As a leader with women, you are aware of those who came before us and those who will come after us in every decision you make.

As a leader with women, you make the impossible possible through your leadership of passion, intention, and love.

As a leader with women, you can see, appreciate and participate fully in the leadership that is emerging among women.

As a leader with women, you blend heart with head and feet to increase the inclusion of women in decision-making in every space.

As a leader with women, you act with strength and flexibility, honesty and sensitivity to your own assets and those of your network.

As a leader with women, you lead with joyful inspiration and generous collaboration.

As a leader with women, you have come to understand your own inner power and voice to make a difference in the world.

As a leader with women, you have the calling to make the world a better place for yourself and others.

Thanks to all the women who inspired these cards.

Each year from 2006-2016, twenty-five women from around the world would gather in a Community Development Leadership by Women course in Canada. As a community of learners, we shared the richness of our stories and experiences, keen to create new ways of leading.

Many initiatives and resources were created and ‘taken home’ for use with other women. These cards were inspired by the book Moonrise by Nina Simmon.

We are passing these cards on as a gift to promote women’s leadership. Leading with heart is a way of living and working inside communities and organizations that brings out the best in everyone. Please share the cards freely with others, not-for-profit or exchange. They are a gift to the world.